Saturday, May 21, 2011


My NIKON digital camera is my 4rth digital camera. My 1st and 2nd digital camera was bought during my college days and I can no longer remember the brand of it. My 3rd digital camera was gave by my auntie Arlene from Australia, she told me that it was a wedding anniversary gift from her husband Allan, a Samsung digital camera, since they bought a new one so they decided to gave it to me. The Samsung digital camera was lasted only a year, sad to remember it was included in a fire tragedy last April 7, 2009. And then I bought my 4rth digital camera, from its 1st day till this moment I only used this one pouch.

From the 1st day I bought my 4rth digital camera I also included a pouch that I like to, since I am so addicted with Winnie the Pooh and I want all my belongingness has its existence so I looked for a cute pooh digital camera pouch and therefore I came up and chose that picture above.

I do hope by this year or early next year I can buy my 5th camera, I am hoping it will be a DSLR so that every time I take pictures on my blog it will be fabulous.


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